Almost every customer that calls or walks in our door wants us to improve their search engine rank, to get their site more visitors, more “eyeballs”. Most of them don’t come out and say it, but what they’re really hoping for is more customers.
But more customers isn’t necessarily the only goal you may have for your website, or even the reason you want to update and improve it.
You may be striving to improve service and support for your current customers by adding more information or better to your site, or you may be trying to maintain, or improve the professionalism of your website’s appearance.
What Are Your Goals?
This is usually one of the first questions we ask any new customer. Do you have clearly-defined goals for the new website you want to create, or for updating your current site? And do you have a method for accurately measuring results to determine whether or not you’ve reached your website goals? More importantly, do you have a good strategy for reaching your goals?
Many of our customers haven’t asked themselves these questions. It’s easy to say, for example, that you want to double your sales. It’s much more difficult to come up with a workable plan to achieve that goal, and then to carry through on that plan!
What’s Your Plan?
So how exactly do you get your website to perform up to whatever measure you’ve chosen for it? How do you make it succeed?
As strange as it may seem, the first step to success is often defining what success means to you.
At MIS, we can help you define your website goals, devise a plan and strategy for meeting those goals, and implement the plan for your website.